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Dental Clinic Baulkham Hills

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See the Years Disappear with an Antiwrinkle Injectables Treatment


See the Years Disappear with an Antiwrinkle Injectables Treatment

An antiwrinkle injectables treatment can do what people have sought for centuries past: create a younger-looking you.

Yes, people say, ‘You’re as young as you feel’. But when you look into the mirror, you don’t feel young at all. All those wrinkles and fine lines make you feel like your granny or grandpa.

While technology hasn’t given us a fountain of youth, modern medicine has given us a way to recreate the glow of youth. With antiwrinkle injectables treatments, you can have a more youthful appearance without the pain and hassle of a facelift or other plastic surgeries.

What Causes Wrinkles, Anyway?

Although smoking and too much exposure to the sun are the major causes of premature wrinkles, they happen to all of us sooner or later. As you age, you lose some of your skin’s collagen and elastin fibres that keep it plump and supple. And, to make things even worse, the layer of fat below your skin’s surface thins out with age, causing a sagging appearance.

In addition, every time you frown — or squint in bright sunlight — wrinkles develop over time. And with Australia receiving seven per cent more of the sun’s UV intensity than Europe each summer, we’re more susceptible to wrinkles.

What Treatments Are Available?

Two effective treatments are available — and you don’t need to go to a plastic surgeon to get them. Along with other cosmetic treatments, many dentists, including the expert team at Integrity Dental, offer these non-surgical alternatives.

Dermal Fillers

To replace the volume and plumpness that age robbed your skin of, your dentist can inject a nature-sourced filler into your skin. Manufactured from a sugar that’s already in the human body, this filler adds volume and, as a bonus, helps to hydrate your skin.

The result? Plumper, healthier skin without the risk of plastic surgery. These injectable fillers also work miracles on lips, giving you the pout you’ve always craved every time you see a model on the cover of your favourite fashion magazine.

Botulinum Toxin Injectables

The name sounds scary, right? Relax. It’s only toxic to your body if you eat it. Injections into your skin are safe, affordable, and create a rested, youthful appearance in your skin.

The botulinum we use in our antiwrinkle injection is a natural, purified protein. It weakens your facial muscles, allowing them to relax. That relaxed state smooths out the fine lines that ageing has added to your face.

Even better, the treatment prevents more wrinkles from forming. It discourages frowning and leaves you with an amazing, happier appearance. And, it’s a lot more affordable and safe than any surgical option.

To learn if an antiwrinkle injectable treatment is right for you, contact the Integrity Dental team at our offices at Baulkham Hills or Duval. Book an appointment today!

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