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48 Seven Hills Road, Baulkham Hills

Dental Clinic Baulkham Hills

Cnr Kenthurst Rd & Maple St Round Corner, Dural

10 Dentistry Recommendations For Holiday


10 Dentistry Recommendations For Holiday

Recommendations: Holidays are the best time to rest and leave the pressures of life behind you. However, for many people, the idea of taking time off actually poses a challenge. But there is never a good time to forget about general health including dental care that our mouth needs in order to avoid common problems.

Often, we forget to make time to go to the dentist as life gets extremally busy. Life can get busy, often we can tend to occasionally eat meals away from home, consuming fast food on the run, and forgetting about making time for the best possible dental care through Integrity Dental.

Do not forget to make time, getting distracted and forgetting to make time for check-ups can head to unplanned disasters and while we can never see ahead of time there is nothing worse than having dental issues when away on holidays.

How can you maintain your dental health while on holidays?

While it is not uncommon to forget about dental hygiene when you are on holidays, it is strongly suggested that you try and keep your regular routine. The lack of care to your teeth increases the risk of gum inflammation and cavities. Brushing your teeth daily should never be neglected and while you can have those holiday treats you should remember your teeth will thank you for continuing with their daily routine!

Integrity Dental is a recognised dental expert in Australia among their industry peers, and they will tell you, it is never ideal to neglect your teeth. This is one of the best Dental Tips for the Holidays that you can follow, especially if you plan on travelling. Integrity Dental is an affordable dentist in Australia but when you are away travelling there is always a chance that you need a dentist you are not familiar with but when you need urgent care you may have no option but to see a dentist that can fit you in.

Dental Holiday Care Tips

The best dental care you can give to you and your body is to eat healthy. While on holidays you can break and have some treats, but you need to remain mindful of how much you’re eating overall.

If you want to make sure you have a fun holiday, then maintain a good diet that includes plenty of vegetables and fruit for an overall balanced diet. If you are on the road travelling, then avoid fast food establishments where possible and any foods that will damage your teeth or cause illness. Remember, the best dental care you can give yourself is to take time out every day to brush your teeth to remove any plaque.

Oral Hygiene Travel Kits

When packing for a trip always remember to pack your complete dental kit. This includes toothbrush, toothpaste, mouth wash and dental floss. You will have no excuse then for not- attending to your oral hygiene!

Maintain Toothbrushing Routines

Integrity Dental always recommends paying attention to the care of your toothbrush and replace this on a regular basis. Always place your toothbrush in a holder when you are travelling so the bristles don’t get damaged. This will also reassure you that your brush will not become contaminated with other items in your bag. Never cross contaminate brushes together from other family members.

Chewing Sugar-Free Gum

If you are on the go and don’t have time to brush your teeth after meals Integrity Dental recommends that after eating, you should chew sugar-free gum as an alternative to protect your oral health. This is one of the best Dental Tips for the Holidays you can do for yourself. Chewing gum assists an increase in saliva in the mouth and this assists food to remove itself when stuck on teeth and gums, while this may not sound like the best dental care around it will act as a precaution to protect your teeth when brushing isn’t available.

Maintaining Good Hydration

Drinking plenty of water is another option for maintaining the best dental care while you are away. Water is good for your oral hygiene and the balance of pH for your mouth when you eat out and brushing isn’t always ideal. Drinking water also assists in preventing mouth infections while keeping you hydrated in the hot weather.

Limit Sugary Drinks

Water is a way better alternative to drinks and foods that are high in sugar. While it is more enjoyable to consume cold juices, soft drinks, sweets and ice creams you need to be mindful to limit the frequency of sugary items and where possible brush your teeth to maintain healthy practices and remove sugary residue.

Limit Amounts of Cold Food and Beverages

Integrity Dental recommends the best dental care you can give yourself is avoiding cold food and drinks over the warmer summer months. Integrity Dental and many other dental experts throughout Australia advise that these foods can increase tooth sensitivity and can cause discomfort to teeth and gums. You need to be mindful, there is nothing worse than being on a holiday and having to hunt down an affordable dentist somewhere in Australia to assist in providing you with relief.

Avoid Alcohol and Tobacco

Being unhealthy in general is not ideal, but if you smoke or drink or combine both then you will find the body’s natural defence’s break down and make you more vulnerable to fight off infections. This will also cause you issues with your teeth and lead to issues in the long term moving forward.

Visiting A Dentist After The Holidays

When the summer is over the best dental care you can give yourself is you make an appointment with Integrity Dental for a check-up for your teeth. If you have any concerns about your oral hygiene, make sure you discuss this when you have your next check-up.

Remember protecting your oral health is as important as taking care of your physical health.

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